@article{oai:shukugawa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000266, author = {仲野, 裕美 and 河南, 恒子 and Nakano, Hiromi and Kannan, Tsuneko}, journal = {夙川学院短期大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Shukugawa Gakuin College}, month = {}, note = {アレルギー体質の学生の食生活の改善をはかることを目的に、食物摂取状況調査、血液検査およびガスクロマトグラフィによる血清脂肪酸分析を行った。アレルギー体質の学生の脂肪酸栄養について、健常学生と比較検討した。また、食事脂肪酸と血清脂肪酸との関連についても検討した。(1)現A群はエネルギー、蛋白質、脂質、糖質、食物繊維、ナイアシン、Zn、Cuの摂取が少なく、低栄養であった。一方、N群と比較すると、脂肪類、糖質の割合は多く、水溶性食物繊維の少ない食事になる傾向があるので注意を要する。また、アレルゲンが食物である場合を除いて、不必要な制限食はせず、摂取食品数を増やす工夫が必要である。(2)現A群の食事脂肪酸比率は血清脂肪酸比率に直接反映しなかったが、現A群の血清M/S比は高くなる傾向を示し、P/S比は低くなる傾向を示し、血清n-6/n-3比は高くなる傾向を示した。したがって、現A群は特に血清n-3系脂肪酸%が低下するので、食事脂肪酸比率のみで判断せず、特にn-3系脂肪酸摂取量の多い食生活習慣を心がけることが必要である。(3)食事脂肪酸比率のS(%)M/S比、P(%)が好酸球遊走に影響を及ぼすことが示唆された。アレルギ一群の食事においては食事脂肪酸比率には注意する必要がある。, A dietary survey and a blood chemistry test were carried out in order to investigate and make recommendation on the improvement of the dietary habits of students various allergic predispositions. From the nutritional aspect, fatty acid intake was compared between those students who presented allergic diseases (Group A) and healthy students as controls (Group N). In addition, the correlation between dietary fatty acid content and its serum level was also investigated in these groups. The results were as follows : (1) Intake of either energy, protein, lipids, sugars, dietary fibers, niacin, zinc or copper was less in Group A than in Group N. In Group A, the energy source rate for lipids was higher than 26%, however, the intakes of EPA and DHA of n-3 fatty acids were slightly higher than 21% and 32% of each national average, respectively. (2) It was demonstrated that dietary fatty acid content was not directly reflected in the serum levels. The ratio of n-6/n-3 in the serum was higher for Group A than Group N, whereas the ratio in the diet was higher in Group N than in Group A. When compared with Group N, the serum levels of DHA and EPA were lower in Group A, but, the serum levels of arachidonic acid, which is a n-6 fatty acid was found to be slightly higher in Group A. These results suggest that the serum level of n-3 fatty acid does not always rise as a result of a deficiency in n-3 fatty acids. (3) It is necessary for students with allergic diseases, except for those with alimentary allergies, to make every effort to increase the absolute amount of food intake as well as the types of food in their diet on the whole without any food restrictions. In regard to fatty acid intake, it appears necessary to further improve the fatty add balance especially for mono-unsaturated and n-3 fatty acids.}, pages = {51--67}, title = {適正な脂肪酸比率の食事 : 第2報 アレルギー体質の学生の食事脂肪酸比率と血清脂肪酸比率との関連}, volume = {24}, year = {2000}, yomi = {ナカノ, ヒロミ and カナン, ツネコ} }